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M. Sc. Biology- Focus Neurosciences

M. Sc. Biology- Focus Neurosciences (English language)

M. Sc. Biology- Focus Neurosciences


  • Elective module (Wahlmodul) WM-07 (2. Semester)
    This module focuses on mechanisms controlling development of the vertebrate nervous system from neural induction to formation of functional neuronal connections (neural induction, neurulation, neural pattern formation, neuronal specification and differentiation, gliogenesis, axonogenesis, synaptogenesis, axonal network formation, neuronal survival, sense organ development, neural stem cells, ontogeny of behavioral control. Students learn to explain the molecular mechanisms of neural development (transcriptional control, signaling pathways, cell behavior, trophic control).
    module description - PDF

  • Focus module 2 (Schwerpunktmodulmodul2) SP1-05 Developmental Neurobiology (3. Semester)
    The focus of this module is on molecular mechanisms of embryonic development of model organism and their relevance to human disease. It provides an integrates knowledge of several disciplines (developmental biology, genetics, cell
    biology, human genetics) towards comprehension of complex developmental processes.
    Students apply state-of-the-art technologies for research on embryonic development, analyze their experiments using statistical tools and to evaluate their results critically, write a laboratory project report in the format of a scientific primary research publication.
    module description - PDF

  • The department of developmental biology offers each year a wide range of Master thesis projects.
    Please contact the lab heads directly..

  • Detailed information on the M.Sc. study track can be found on the faculty home pages:
    M.Sc. Biologie: http://www.bio.uni-freiburg.de/studium/studiengaenge/master


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