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Vanessa Kamphausen, M.Sc.

Vanessa WeineckVanessa Kamphausen, M.Sc.

University of Freiburg
Biology I, Evolution & Ecology
Hauptstraße 1, Room 1040
D-79104 Freiburg
Phone. ++49/761/203-2582
E-Mail: vanessa.weineck@biologie.uni-freiburg.de


 “Factors influencing human decision making
Can objective evaluation of science be learned?”



  • 2007
    Abitur at the Ganztagsgymnasium Johannes Rau in Wuppertal
  • 2007 – 2010
    Bachelor of Science (Biology) at the Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
  • 2010 – 2012
    Master of Science (Biology) at the University of Osnabrueck
    Masterthesis “Decision making - Entscheidungsfindung bei wissenschaftlichen Präsentationen”
  • Since 2012
    PhD: “Factors influencing human decision making” at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Judith Korb



Teaching evaluations by students are playing an increasing role in Academia. However, decision-making in evaluations of sciences are rarely studied and influencing factors are less appreciated. They are based on the implicit assumption of an objective decision-making. Yet it is known from other areas that human decisions are often irrational and subjective.

The question is which external and internal factors influence the evaluation process at Universities and Colleges. For that reason, I examine the evaluation behaviour of scientific presentations, one of the most important means of communication in science.

The aim of my project is to connect theories of the humanities and the natural sciences to develop the necessary scientific basis for professional evaluation standards. By identifying influencing factors I will improve education and contribute to a qualified assessment of science.

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  • Behavioural observations
  • Questionnaire method
  • Different statistical analysis: principal component analysis, Cronenbachs α, loglinear analysis etc

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